Set Up Facebook Ad With 1000 Naira ($6) for One Week


I decided to create this quick post because of the requests I received on Facebook few hours ago after posting updates as regards to Facebook ads.

In one of the status updates, I said “If you cant afford at least N5,000 to advertise your online business on ‪#‎facebook‬ for 30days, you don’t a business”.  A friend of mine, replied and I quote : “But N5,000 is not even sufficient to advertise on facebook ads for a week, how come a month? ……”.

So, in this post, I’m going to show you how possible it is. I assume you understand how to create a Facebook ad though..

Well, no magic in it. All you need to do is to select “lifetime budget” instead of “daily budget”  when creating your ads and ensure you set the ad to run over a specific period of time.

So, let’s assume you want to spend NGN1,000 for one week, that will be approximately $6 (NGN170 per dollar) and I will assume 6 days makes a week.

==> Go to to create your ad
==> At the budget section, click the drop down arrow, then select “lifetime budget” instead of “daily budget”
==> By default, Facebook might automatically set the budget to $350 or something else. Edit it to $6.
==> Click on the calendar icon in the “End” field and ensure it’s set to 6days. This will ensure you’re budgeting at least $1.00 for every day your ad will run.

It should look similar to the screenshot below :

facebook lifetime budget

That’s all. 

If you want to spend N5,000 for 30 days, use a lifetime budget of $30 and set it to run for 30days as explained above.

: If the ad set doesn’t spend up to $1 on the first day, the system will try to make up the missed amount at a later date within the ad set.

Remember, no big deal in setting up Facebook ads. The most important thing is how to get the best out of your ads without having to break the bank.

Those that were at the BloggersLab get-together in Lagos in October learnt a lot as regards this and hopefully will also be discussed at another get-together that will take place before the end of this year.

You can check out my discussion about Facebook ads at Bloggerslab here. You can also check out Donvin’s discussion here too.

I hope this helps.

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15 responses to “Set Up Facebook Ad With 1000 Naira ($6) for One Week”

  1. Olayeankah Femi Aziz Avatar

    how to pay pls

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      How to pay for what?

  2. Akpene Jacob Avatar

    Thank you for this info Jide cus I missed the discussion on bloggers lab and don't I have time to go and check them.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      You're welcome bro. You can still follow the discussion via the links in the post

  3. Ann Chetachukwu Ubah MD Avatar

    This is helpful but payment na the problem

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Is it that you don't know how to pay or you don't have cards you can use to pay?

  4. Opzydon Woros Avatar

    Is it true that fb ads is against google ads policy? is it realy against google ads policy to advertise a page that google ad is running on on fb

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Sending paid traffic to a landing page with google ads on it is RISKY.

  5. Paul Oyegbenga Avatar

    Thanks for this great post, it's really informative and I would say I really appreciate your putting this up. But I have a question if it's risky sending paid traffic to a page with adsense, what do you think can be done? Is it wise to still go ahead or what? Great post again.

  6. Jb Da Silva Avatar

    Femi you pay with your master card

  7. George Emmanuel Avatar

    GTB Master Card is preferably to pay.

  8. skywizzy dagreat Avatar

    Oga Jide..Broda please I need your help..I got blog on bloggers lab few years back…and I wanna get back on it now …pls try to unblock me bro thanks…I message you on facebook regards this matta…help me out

  9. Akin Akin Avatar

    Thanks Jide. This is quite informative. I'll go ahead and try it. Please keep on the good work. God bless you.

  10. larryking emmanuel Avatar

    tnkz…..but they asking for dis Billing Zip Code nd i cnt provide it pls need ur help

  11. ichire Avatar

    is this offer still working now


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