Lets You Measure Traffic To A Website


If you are a site owner or a blogger that needs a free website or blog traffic tracker, then you need to check out

You can simply track your blog traffic statistics at the site for free without subjecting your users to ugly ads by installing a counter that can be set to be invisible.


Statcounter Homepage

After you might have added Statcounter code to your site, you will be able to see how many pageviews, unique visits, returning visits and first time visits your site has received. More so, you will be able to see how visitors found your site, what link referred them to your site, how long they stayed, their countries, browsers etc

Basic Features of Statcounter

Invisible Counter Option
Configurable Summary Stats
Drill Down
Popular Pages
Entry Pages
Exit Pages
Came From
Keyword Analysis
Recent Keyword Activity
Search Engine Wars
Visitor Paths
Visit Length
Returning Visits
Recent Pageload Activity
Recent Visitor Activity
Country/State/City Stats
Recent Visitor Google Map
ISP Stats
Browser Stats
O.S. Stats
Resolution Stats
Email Reports
Multiple Site Management
User Access Management
Public Stats

Traffic stats via can be configured to display data of specific interest per day, week, month, quarter or year. So, for example, you can choose to view only pageviews for the period 15 Jan 2014 to 10 August 2014, or view pageviews, unique visits and returning visits for the Last 8 Weeks – virtually any configuration is possible.

Statcounter offers a “drill down” tool that allows you to drill down on your stats and view visitors relating to them. If you go to “Keyword Analysis” for example, by clicking the page magnifying glass next to a keyword, you will be able to drill down on that keyword to show all visitors who used that keyword in a search engine to find your site. And, of course, you can then click on the Magnify User icon to get a detailed report on the user and their navigation path through your site!

You can drill down on many stats, including Popular Pages, Referring Links, Entry and Exit pages and so on. For example, you could drill down on a page of particular interest – like a checkout page – and see the visitors who loaded that page, and subsequently magnify them to see how they got there. This kind of information is invaluable for optimising your most important pages and driving traffic to them – a combination of the drill down and magnify tools is my most potent ally. 🙂

StatCounter offers the ability to manage multiple websites from one account – no need to sign up for different accounts for different websites! Just create new projects for each of your sites, and you can manage your stats for them all from one account. To use this feature login to your StatCounter account. Click “Add Project” above your current project(s) and follow the wizard as before. Do not register a new account!

The site also allows you to provide access to your account for multiple other users. You can limit access to allow additional users to only view statistics for your projects, or only specific projects. To use this feature. Login to your account. Click the lock icon lock beside your project name. Tick or untick the users you want to have access to this project. To add more users click “Users” in the top navigation bar.

You can also show your website stats to the whole world via “Public Stats“. To enable/disable public stats. Login to your account. Click the lock icon lock beside your project name. Tick or untick the box to “Enable public stats”.

The link provided:

is your public stats link. You can link to specific stats such as the “Came From” by changing the link slightly to

I use Statcounter for all my sites. In fact, anytime I log online, I always track the most recent search queries driving traffic to my sites from search engines before doing any other thing. Easier and fast for me to track compared to using Google Analytics which I analyse once in a while.

To get started, go to now. Sign up, add your site, install the statcounter code and you are good to go.

Are you using statcounter? Do you know other free web traffic trackers? Please, let me hear from you via comments.

Recommended: How To Add Statcounter Code To Blogger Blog

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6 responses to “ Lets You Measure Traffic To A Website”

  1. Emebu Avatar

    This is a great tool, i have used it sometime ago but with these new features now i am giving it a try, thanks for sharing.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      There are some new features I didn't mention in the post. If you understand how all the features work, you will be in love with statcounter. The speed alone makes rocks**

  2. Akaahan Terungwa Avatar

    Never tried this, Jide. I use NewStatPress internally and web traffic spy externally if you understand what I mean. However, I have discovered that both vary too greatly with my Analytics report from Google…with the clash, I've decided to favor Google (above any other solution).

    So you share my views?


  3. Henry Obinna Avatar

    this is nice. tho I used it on my blog( at the begining but I later stopped/removed it for reasons I don't know. and bro please, does the stats it gives includes those from bots? that's all these crawlers?

  4. Oluwafemi Boluwaji Avatar

    Is a blog that deals with health related issue


    For Phones, laptops and money makers forum

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you.


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