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Tag: Bulk sms
Spc4 Bulk SMS Portal : How To Deduct SMS Units From Wallet Balance
There are cases you would like to deduct sms units from users accounts, maybe after you mistakenly credited the users more than the units purchased. Well, if you own a bulk sms portal in Nigeria powered by SPC 4, you can easily deduct sms units by making use of – sign on the credit members…
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Video Marketing : Whiteboard Ad I Created for NairaforSMS
Lately, I’ve been creating whiteboard videos for businesses, site owners etc to enable them tell their stories in a new, exciting way. I created one for and decided to share it with you. It’s a low-cost marketing idea intended to catch viewers’ attention, convert them to customers and help get the word out about…
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NairaForSMS : Nigeria Bulk SMS Provider
Are you looking for a bulk sms website in Nigeria where you can send bulk messages with a customized name to thousands of people worldwide at ONCE? Are you looking for a bulk sms provider in Nigeria that will let you buy sms online with your ATM card? Are you looking for a bulk sms…
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Schedule Bulk SMS To Deliver On Later Day In Easy Steps
At NairaForSMS, you can schedule bulk sms to deliver on a later day if you don’t want it to be delivered instantly. This comes handy atimes when you are not sure you will be online to send a bulk message at the exact time you want it to deliver to the recipients. For example, you…
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Black Friday Deals In Nigeria : Get Free 300 SMS Units at NairaForSMS
NairaForSMS; a bulk sms website in Nigeria, is also not left out in the 2014 Black Friday Deals! Starting from today, Friday Nov 28th 2014 to midnight Sunday 30th of November 2014, anyone who orders 2000sms units will get extra 300 sms units FREE. This also means if you order for 4000sms units, you will…
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SMS Portal Creator Script Version 4 (SPC4) Launched!
Afrisoft, has announced the launch of the version 4 of the BULK SMS Portal Creator aka SPC4. Bulk SMS Portal Creator Version 4.0 is the successor to the highly successful SPC High Earner which you can use to create a bulk SMS site like SMS Portal Creator is a powerful Bulk SMS Portal Solution for…
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Short Code SMS Business : How To Set It Up and Make Money From It
ShortCode SMS business simply involves setting up a system that allows you to use a “short code” to provide variety of mobile content through text messaging. People that subscribe to your “shortcode” are billed automatically by their network provider and you get your own share from it. What is a Short Code? Well, it is…
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How Do I Text From Computer To Cell Phone?
Texting from a PC to a cell phone is no longer a big deal as there are now many bulksms portals that allow you to send sms to mobile phones from the internet. Those sites support bulk texting, thereby making it easy for you to blast out thousands of text messages at once, instantly with…
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Want To Buy BulkSMS at 1 Naira Per SMS in Nigeria?
Christmas is fast approaching – and many Nigerian Bulk SMS websites are currently rolling out adverts on Google, Facebook, Newspapers etc, trying to convince Nigerians to buy bulk sms from them at very cheap rates during this Christmas/New Year season. In other to boost their Christmas sales in Nigeria, they’ve got to let Nigerians know…
Written by BulkSMS Reseller Website Not Opening? Try This Trick
Since last week, I have been receiving mails from some bulkSMS resellers whose sites are linked to SMSlive247 nameservers. Their sites were not accessible for days while and some other sites also hosted by SMSLive247 are not affected. Being an expert in setting up bulkSMS portals for people willing to make money reselling bulksms,…
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