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Tag: feedburner
How To Upload Feedburner Emails List As Facebook Custom Audience
If you are using Feedburner widget to build email lists on your site, you can upload the emails of the subscribers as Facebook custom audience. Once uploaded to Facebook, Facebook will match the people on your list to people on Facebook. Thereafter, you can use Facebook ads to target them. You can even go further…
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How To Send Summary Of Your Latest Blog Posts To Your Feedburner Email Subscribers
If you are using Feedburner to send your latest blog posts to the inbox of your email subscribers, you can offer a short summary that will include links that can redirect subscribers to read the full posts on your blog. This can easily be done, by activating the Feedburner “Summary Burner” feature. The Summary Burner…
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How I Use Feedburner To Auto Post From My Blog To Twitter
I auto post from this Blogger blog to Twitter account of the blog by making use of Feedburner Socialize feature. The service makes it easy to distribute your content to interested subscribers or followers on social networks using any FeedBurner feed you already have. At this time, the Socialize service only supports Twitter. So, whenever…
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How To Create Pop Up Subscription Form for Feedburner
Yesterday, I published a tutorial that explains how to integrate Mailmunch with Feedburner email subscription form. In the tutorial, I used the MailMunch “embedded” form type which lets you easily add the optin form to anywhere on your site. Unfortunately, the “embedded” form type cannot make your opt-in form to pop up. If you want…
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How To Integrate MailMunch With Feedburner Using Custom HTML and Custom CSS (Video)
As at the time of publsihing this post, MailMunch doesn’t have an official integration with Feedburner but by making use of the MailMunch “Custom HTML” feature, you can easily integrate your Feedburner Email subscription form with MailMunch popover, embedded form, slide boxes etc To get started, you need to sign up for a free account…
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Awesome Sidebar Feedburner Email Subscription Form For Blogger and WordPress Blogs
While googling for awesome opt-in-forms yesterday, I stumbled on an attractive Feedburner Email Subscription Form. I copied its code from the blog post, made some changes to the code and embedded it on the sidebar of my blog. I’m loving it and I decided to share it with you. You can place the Feedburner Email…
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How To Add Read More To Feedburner Blog Posts Feed
Feeds are a way for blogs to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. If you have a website, blog, audio/video content, or even photos, you can offer a feed of your…
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How To Download Feedburner Email List
Your blog can also act as a free email list generator if you activate Feedburner email subscriptions and add the Feedburner email subscription box to your blog. I’ve been using the Feedburner newsletter email service for some years now and it has really been helpful in building email lists for free from my blogs. If…
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How To Change Delivery Time of Feedburner Email Subscriptions
Few days back, I published a post to announce that the delivery time of Ogbongeblog email newsletters has changed. Ever since then, I’ve been receiving mails from some bloggers, asking me how they can also change their Feedburner email delivery time. So, in this post, I’ve decided to share with you how to change the…
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FeedBurner Subscriber’s Count Showing 0? The Solution
A friend contacted me this morning, complaining that her blog’s feed is not displaying her blog’s latest post. While trying to find out what might be the cause, I was surprised to see zero been displayed as the number of her blog’s subscribers via her feedburner account. Immediately, I decided to log in to my…
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