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Blog Writing Techniques You Must Know
Being a blogger is not just about putting up posts every now and then on your blog. More so, it is not just about what you write but how you write it. Great writers from time immemorial have something in common and if you want to succeed as they did you have to identify the secret of writing.
Blog writing is more than sitting in front of your computer with your hands on your keyboard punching out words as they come to your head. It involves carefully constructing and building your points so that when someone reads it, the person won’t have to hit Google searching for more explanations.
Now let’s examine the different writing techniques that will make our blog posts stand out from its kinds and rank higher in Google ranking.
1. Develop a writing pattern unique to your blog alone: A great site design without a unique writing pattern will make your blog a joke. So it will be a great technique to add your human experience, feelings and understanding in your posts. Interact with your readers, ask them questions, ask them for comments and reviews. If you are a regular visitor of Netmediablog www.netmediablo
2. Consider your audience: Break down your views so that everyone who reads your blog posts will understand what you meant. Keep your posts very simple. Consider that people from different works of life, educational background, religion etc are the ones who are reading.
3. Communicate with your blog posts: Different bloggers blog for different reasons, but for whatever reason it is your are blogging always bear one thing in mind – Communication. You can easily do this by making sure you reply to all your comments. This way, you will give your readers sense of belonging. Responding to comments is a more direct way of communicating with individual readers. Don’t disable the comment feature because it is an essential part of blogging.
4. Use illustrations in your blog posts: I am of the opinion that our brains remember more of what it sees than what it hears/read. Using illustrations in your blog posts will create a sense of visual understanding for your readers. An image or video used in a blog post can make the difference. So always use images or videos in your blog posts to make visual illustrations for better understanding.
5. Regular updates: Always write; yes…write for your blog always. Even if you adhere to all the above options and create the best blog posts but don’t update your blog always, the reader who loves coming to your blog every time to read something new won’t be happy if he always see the last thing he has already read. After some time he may decide not to visit your blog anymore.
Returning visitors are the people who have fallen in love with your content and writing technique. The number of returning visitors you have on your blog everyday is an indication of how many people who love your blog. Always update your blog, even if it is just a short update or an introduction of your next blog posts/series that could keep them coming back to read the full story.
I can’t possible exhaust all the writing techniques to prevent this blog post from becoming too long. In fact this is one of the tips I will share in my next publication on this topic. Remember don’t make your posts too short or too long.
If you’ve got more blog writing techniques to share, kindly make use of the comment form below.
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4 responses to “Blog Writing Techniques You Must Know”
Great tips. In addition, you must make your title and introduction gripping, look out for typos and misspellings and give concrete examples when explaining a concept.
thanks a lot for the input.
Do you knw that i did not even had this knowlegde before. I want to thank the guru that did this master piece i just love it. And i wil see that i carry it out in ma site.
Question: can i stil apply this to a news site..yes, you can bro.
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