CBN Covid19 Loan for Households and MSMEs in Nigeria : How To Apply

CBN covid19 loan for households and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria is a stimulus package to support them especially those whose economic activities have been significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has led to unprecedented disruptions to global supply chains, sharp drop in global crude oil prices, turmoil in global stock and financial markets, massive cancellation of sporting and entertainment event, lockdown of large swaths movements of persons in many countries, and intercontinental travel bans/restrictions across critical air routes across the world.

These outcomes have had severe consequences on households’ livelihoods and business activities, resulting from drop in global demand, declined consumer confidence and slowdown in production.

Who Is Eligible for CBN Loan for Covid19?

  • Households with verifiable evidence of livelihood adversely impacted by
    COVID-19; and
  • Existing enterprises (MSMEs) with verifiable evidence of business activities
    adversely affected as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Enterprises with bankable plans to take advantage of opportunities
    arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Activities Covered

Eligible activities under the Scheme include:

  • Agricultural value chain activities
  • Hospitality (accommodation and food services)
  • Health (pharmaceuticals and medical supplies)
  • Airline service providers
  • Manufacturing/value addition
  • Trading
  • Any other income generating activities as may be prescribed by the CBN.

cbn covid loan for nigeria how to apply requirements interest rate

How To Apply for CBN Covid19 Loan for Nigerians

The N50 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) are disbursed through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) and below is how it works :

STEP 1 : Submit An Application
The process is easy.You can begin on your phone, your tablet or your laptop.

Submit applications directly to NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) with clear evidence of the opportunity or adverse impact as a result of COVID-19 pandemic.

STEP 2 : Approval
NIRSAL Microfinance Bank reviews your CBN covid19 loan application and forward the application to the CBN for final approval.

STEP 3 : Disbursement
CBN reviews applications and gives final approval for disbursement to NMFB

How To Submit Application Forms for CBN Covid19 Loan in Nigeria

  • Visit :
  • Click the “Apply Now” button under the category you want to apply for.
  • Right there, you can also download NIRSAL guarantor’s form for CBN covid19 loan.

What is the interest rate of CB covid19 loan ?

Interest rate under the intervention is 5% p.a. (all inclusive) up to 28th February 2021 and thereafter, the interest on the facility will revert to 9% p.a. (all inclusive) as from 1st March 2021.

How long is the CBN covid19 loan for?

Working capital will be for a maximum period of one year, with no option for rollover. Term loans have a maximum tenor of not more than 3 years with, at least, one-year moratorium.

How much can I access?

Households: Can access a maximum of N3 million
Loan amount to SMEs shall be determined based on the activity, cashflow and industry/segment size of beneficiary, subject to a maximum of N25 million.

Working capital shall be a maximum of 25% of the average of the previous 3 years’ annual turnover. (where the enterprise is not up to 3 years in operation, 25% of the previous year’s turnover will suffice).

For more info including the collateral requirements for the CBN covid19 loan, you can check out the circular published by CBN that contains the guidelines for the implementation of the N50 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) disbursed through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB).

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6 responses to “CBN Covid19 Loan for Households and MSMEs in Nigeria : How To Apply”

  1. Peter Yinkore Avatar
    Peter Yinkore

    I will be very grateful if you accept my loan request of #3.5m. Thanks

  2. Akinyemi adeola Avatar
    Akinyemi adeola

    Pls I need the loan

    1. Kelechi Moses Avatar
      Kelechi Moses

      I need the loan please

  3. Kelechi Moses Avatar
    Kelechi Moses

    I need the lian please. Via

  4. ABBA danladi Avatar
    ABBA danladi

    My covi19 lon is not approved my phone number is 08038405997

    1. Agada Avatar

      Pls I want the board to send me a link that will enable me to apply for the covid 19 loan for my community so that we can benefit the package of democracy


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