How To Do Whatsapp Group Video Call


WhatsApp remains one of the most popular apps in the world which people use to keep in touch via instant message and calls.

The call which can be audio call or video call, can be placed to an individual whatsapp user and if you want other whatsapp users to participate in the call, you can easily do so. During the whatsapp video call itself, you can switch between the forward-facing and rear camera, mute the call or press the red button to hang up.

In this post, I want to share with you how to do whatsapp group video calls.

How To Make Video Call on WhatsApp

  • Open the chat with the contact you want to video call.
  • Tap the video camera icon at the top right of the window
  • You will see a prompt asking if you want to start a video call
  • Tap “call”
  • The video call will automatically commence and the recipient’s phone will ring

How To Do WhatsApp Group Video Call

  • Launch the whatsapp app and start a one-on-one video call with a contact as explained above
  • After the contact answers the video call, you can add more people by simply clicking the ‘add participant’ button at the top right of your screen
  • Keep adding until you hit the four people video chat limit.

NB : You will be able to see the add button to add another person only after which the first caller answer your video call.

Alternatively, you can place a video call to multiple whatsapp contacts at once and you can also make a group video call from a whatsapp group.

How To Start Whatsapp Group Video Call At Once

  • Tap the Calls tab at the top of the screen
  • Tap the call icon at the lower part of the screen
  • Tap the “new group call”
  • Search for or select the contacts you want to add to the call
  • Tap the video call icon.

How To Make A Group Video Call From a Whatsapp Group

  • Go to the whatsapp group whose members you want to video call
  • Tap the call icon at the top right of the window
  • Search for or select the whatsapp group members you want to add to the call
  • Tap the Video Call icon.

whatsapp group video calls limit tips

Note :

Whatsapp group video call limit is four participants but if speaking to four people simultaneously isn’t enough for you, you can always turn to Snapchat. The app allows people to video chat with up to 16 people, as well as group calls with up to 32 people.

Make sure you and your contacts have strong Internet connections when placing or receiving group video calls. The quality of the video call will depend on the contact with the weakest connection.

When you receive a group video call, the incoming WHATSAPP VIDEO CALL screen will show the participants currently on the call, and the first contact listed will be the participant that added you.

During a group video call, you have the option to turn your video off by tapping Video off

You can’t remove a contact during a group video call. The contact would need to hang up their phone to disconnect from the call.

While it’s possible to be in a group video call with someone you’ve blocked, you can’t add a contact that you’ve blocked to the call or a contact that has blocked you.

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4 responses to “How To Do Whatsapp Group Video Call”

  1. Raushan Khuswaha Avatar
    Raushan Khuswaha

    Thanks for sharing this information
    Awesome Information

  2. Maria Baeza Avatar
    Maria Baeza

    Video calling is very trending now and Whatsapp is an amazing social media app for video calling.I am using Whatsapp for video calling and i read your article but i want to ask that can more than 4 participants are joining in Whatsapp video calling?

    1. Emmanuel Ekanem Avatar
      Emmanuel Ekanem

      More than 4 persons can’t join the call for now on WhatsApp.

  3. Devid Lozano Avatar
    Devid Lozano

    Thanks for this amazing article. But I have a question regarding the WhatsApp group call. My question is how many people can join in one Whatsapp video call?


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