If you are a blogger and interested in using a free domain name for your blogger blog before you get the money to buy a custom domain, well you can get it done by following some simple steps.
With a free domain name been provided by .co.cc , you can change your blog address from www.something.blogspot.com to www.something.co.cc . I guess, you will like this as this makes the address shorter. More so, while sharing the address with someone, the person wont know its a blogspot blog not until he or she visits the blog. Nice..right?..Guess, you saying “Yes”…lol
I used the free domain name before I paid a token to change it to www.ogbongeblog.com. You wont need to break the bank for you to change it to dot com, it will only cost you peanut, so, I prefer you go for that.
If you want to set up the free domain name for your blog, just follow the instructions at: http://www.co.cc/blogger/blogger.php
I hope this info helps…
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If you want to use an Header Image for your blog just as I did for www.ogbongesms.blogspot.com, read: https://www.ogbongeblog.com/2010/12/how-to-create-banner-for-blogswebsites.html
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