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How To Detect Invisible Yahoo Messenger Users:YDetector
Do you have a friend on your yahoo messenger list that is always offline? Do you always wonder if this is true or if the person is just hiding under the INVISIBLE MODE? Well, wonder no more because I want to share with you,a trick you can be using to know the exact status of friends in your Yahoo Messenger list.
The offline status of your friend is not necessarily true because in Yahoo Messenger, there is the INVISIBLE feature that allows you to hide your online status. With this feature, if you don’t feel like chatting with a friend on your list, you can easily hide yourself from him/her and the friend will be thinking you are offline (i.e not online). You can also set yourself to be invisible to everybody on your list.
So,how can I detect the true status of my friend?
It is very easy. You can detect the true status of your friend with YDETECTOR.
So, what is YDETECTOR? is a website for Yahoo! Messenger status checking. With you can now bypass Yahoo! Messenger’s Invisible Settings with ease. It’s quick and intuitive interface, offers you the ability to see if your friend is truly online or if they are invisible.
How Do I Use it?
Enter Yahoo! ID of your friend (without the and click the magnifier button. That’s All!
Thereafter,the result will be displayed. If the result shows invisible, that means your friend is online, but just hiding himself/herself from you.
It is very easy, isn’t it?
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In my future articles, I will be writing more about Yahoo Messenger including how you can login to Yahoo Messenger with multi Yahoo IDs at the same time , how you can add Yahoo Messenger emoticons to your blog posts, etc.
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20 responses to “How To Detect Invisible Yahoo Messenger Users:YDetector”
Another nice info from you, Mr Jide. I never thought a trick like this really exists until i saw this article of yours. Thanks so much for this. With this secret info of yours, I will now be able to fish out those friends of mine that always hide whenever they are online, pretending to be busy…More ink to your pen sir.
there is also, you can scan multiple ID-s in the same time, hi5 profile checker if needed!
Best Regards!
Since Yahoo changed some of their protocols, no yahoo invisible scanner or programm seem to work.
I've checked myself a few times on several site when I was invisible and the result was all the time offline. On I see below "Y! Detector will be back soon!". Does that mean, they try to update the site? And when yes, how much do we have to wait for this improvement?
Best Regards
salut, vezi ca ydetector si toate celalte site-uri numai functioneaza de cateva saptamani bune, de la ultimul update al celor de la yahoo. incercati asta functioneaza in continuare foarte bine.
I am sure ydetector is upgrading to meet up with the upgrades carried out by yahoo recently… is the best yahoo invisible scanner. 100% accurate. try it 😉
try . Detect invisible easy.
I`m using Detect Yahoo invisible
May I know why is it that it is written in my yahoo messenger that my friend is offline but when I checked the y detector, it re
vealed he is online all the while? How can one do that if ever? Please enlighten me about this. Thanks!@Sandra, this means your friend has been hiding from you. This is why ydetector is useful. You can send a message to him and let him realize that you know he is hiding from you. Cheers!
check Online offline or Invisible To Detect Pls try si cool
Thanks for all this info! jdetector work very good i used to use it for a while
Now i use:
I found it when i did a search of " yahoo invisible detector" on google 🙂 hope this will make some one happy 🙂Here is how you can detect invisible users on yahoo messenger detector invisible
Another invisible scanner is is the best, never busy
made for yahoo messenger status | detector invisible
you should try
try for 100% correct results.
Now you can check yahoo invisible users at:
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