How To Save Facebook Links In News Feed To Read Later On FB


Facebook, the world’s largest social network has announced the launch of a new feature, tagged “SAVE“. The Facebook SAVE feature simply allows Web, Android and iOS users to save links, places, music and other things while browsing Facebook News Feed, to a list where they can view them later.

So, anytime you find all sorts of interesting items on Facebook that you don’t have time to explore right away, you can now save them to check them out later when you have more time. If you use the feature to save for later on Facebook, only you can see the things you save and you can choose if you want to share them.

You can view the items you saved at any time by going to your saved items in the “More” tab on mobile or by clicking the link on the left hand side of Facebook on the web. Your saved items list is organized by category and you can share each item with your friends or move it into your archive list. Right there you can as well delete each saved item.

Categories of Items Saved on Facebook

How To Save on Facebook

To save something you see on Facebook (links, places, music, books, movies and TV shows), tap the Save icon or choose the Save option in the menu on posts in News Feed to save it for later.

Save items on Facebook

How To Find Saved Items

From News Feed, click on Saved in the navigation links.

find saved items on Facebook

That’s all.

What’s your take on this new feature?

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6 responses to “How To Save Facebook Links In News Feed To Read Later On FB”

  1. James Avatar

    Finally, a useful feature. Makes sense Jide.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    A feature I've really been dreaming of. So cool.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    That's cool.. Nice one there… More tech news at

  4. Okechukwu Hod Ngene Avatar

    That's a cool feature from Mark Zuckerberg and his team of engineers. The feature is synonymous to 'bookmarking' feature. I like it.

  5. toby allen Avatar

    This new feature will be very helpful, sometimes i see some links with contents that i can't explore right away on facebook. With this, i can just sit back and relax later in the day to check them out. Thanks for sharing this

  6. Terungwa Avatar

    That is as it should be: a serious business has to constantly introduce – and reintroduce great features to stay relevant. So far, this feature is surely amongst the greatest…who has the time to check out all the 'wonderful' items in one's feed at any given time?



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