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How to use Mobstac to create mobile version of blogger blog plus Adsense integration
In one of my posts, I shared with you how to create mobile version of your blogger blog using BloggerTouch app. BloggerTouch doesn’t support Google Adsense integration, hence the reason I searched for an alternative. I found an alternative that supports Google Adsense and I have decided to share it with you. It is not totally FREE like BloggerTouch but you can still enjoy it till you reach the Pageviews limit for the free version. The Alternative am talking about is MOBSTAC.
So, what is MobStac?
Mobstac helps in redirecting your blog page into mobile version automatically if visitors visit your blog from any mobile or tablet device even if the visitor access your blog with Opera Mini.
I am currently using Mobstac to render my blog for mobile viewing because it supports Google Adsense Integration, supports Facebook Comment forms, provides traffic analysis of my mobile blog, allows Facebook users to easily “Like” my blog posts etc
More so, Mobstac allows you to customize your blog Navigation and also offers you the chance to use a custom domain for your mobile blog i.e use your own subdomain like to serve as your Mobstac-powered site.
So, How Do I get Started?
Go to and sign up. You can connect with your Facebook account.
Then, check your email for a verification link and click on the link to verify your registration. (Very Important)
So What Next?
Once you have verified your registration, login to the site and you will be presented with your dashboard.
While logged in, go to FAQs and you should see a link on how to add the mobstac plugin to your blog. Something like: “View MobStac plugin installation instructions for: ogbongeblog“. Click on it and follow the instruction.
You will have to add a piece of code after <body> section of your blog html and also add another piece of code to your blog’s sidebar via the html/javascript gadget.
When adding the sidebar code, make sure you edit the url value in the code with the link to your mobstac profile.
So, How DO I add Google Adsense to my mobile blog?
For you to integrate Google adsense into your mobstac-powered mobile blog, you will need your Adsense Publisher ID.
To get the publisher ID, login to and look up by the top right hand corner. You should see something like pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
That is your Publisher ID. Copy and save it somewhere (including the pub- part).
So, What next?
Go to dashboard, then advertsing. choose “Top/bottom of page”.
Choose “Google Adsense”, then enter your publiser id into the publisher id and channel id boxes. i.e your publisher id is what will be in the channel id box and also the publisher id box.
That’s all.
To view earnings from your mobstac-powered mobile blog, login to and you should see your earnings under “Adsense for mobile content”.
You have to be aware of the fact that Mobstac shares your Adsense revenue with you. You can read more on that here.
NOTE: make sure you set your blog Feed to FULL for this trick to work fine without any “read more” problem. To fix this, Login to Blogger, go to SETTINGS, “Site Feed” and make sure you set “Allow Blog Feed” to FULL.
I hope this helps..
Thumbs up to my fellow bloggers at theLatestInfos and BJStardom for helping with infos with regards to the Adsense integration via BloggersLab.
If you have contributions to make or questions to ask, kindly make use of the comment form.
In my future posts, I will be sharing with you how to add Facebook comment form and Like button to your mobstac-powered mobile blog amongst other tutorials related to Mobstac. If you do not want to miss them, SUBSCRIBE TO Now!.
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8 responses to “How to use Mobstac to create mobile version of blogger blog plus Adsense integration”
I have been waiting for this for quite a long time now. thanks for sharing but I have stumbled on some blogs using it which are not showing the full content unlike yours. why ?
This will happen if the blogger did not set his/her blog feed to FULL. I talked about it in the post above where I said the blogger should Login to Blogger, go to SETTINGS, "Site Feed" and make sure the "Allow Blog Feed" is set to FULL.
I love this information.
It helps though the site link is what makes me to ignore using the mobstac option. I think if the link can be in this form or extension. It might even be better to use it.BTW: Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Your site is not live yet! Please click on the link in the email to verify your email address and publish your MobStac site
I cant find any verification email in my box@Daniel…What do you need the link for? If you want a custom domain, you can get it too.
@sly..check your spam or login to your mobstac dashboard and see if you can request for the verification email to be resent to you
Oshe…am live o…
You are the man….Thanks for the information
Hi Ogbonge, I just checked on but their no space for registration. Please can you help me with any another of doing it or another way to monetize my site on opera mini. Thanks
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