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Search results for: “label/facebook ads”
Photos from BloggersLab 2014 GetTogether in Lagos
The 2014 BloggersLab Get-Together took place on October 1st somewhere in Yaba Lagos. That same day, I was at UNILAG for the 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit where I answered blogging-related questions from the attendees. On completion of my session at UNILAG, I rushed down to the BloggersLab event. Luckily for me, I met the…
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Set Up Facebook Ad With 1000 Naira ($6) for One Week
I decided to create this quick post because of the requests I received on Facebook few hours ago after posting updates as regards to Facebook ads. In one of the status updates, I said “If you cant afford at least N5,000 to advertise your online business on #facebook for 30days, you don’t a business”. A…
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Best Tutorial Blog in Nigeria (2012) is OgbongeBlog
The 2012 Nigerian Blog Awards has come and gone but guess what? Our blog, “OgbongeBlog” emerged the “judges’ choice” as the winner of the BEST TUTORIAL BLOG in Nigeria for the year 2012. This was announced via a Live Twitter event @naijablogawards on 19th of Nov, 2012, and also published on the NigerianBlogAwards website. If you…
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How Facebook, Smartphones And Television Distract Office Employees
This is a guest post compiled by Jackson Nwachukwu. After a careful study of things which may likely distract people in their offices or workspace, I came to an understanding that amongst many, there are three which keeps people off balance while working. They are: Facebook, Smartphones and Television. Unfortunately, all of these three are…
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How To Block Facebook Tags
Facebook tags can be so annoying atimes especially when you are been tagged in some useless pictures. There was a time my Facebook profile was bombarded with meaningless tags and I decided to hunt for a solution to the mess. Unfortunately, as at the time of publishing this post, you cannot block your Facebook friends…
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How To Stop Facebook GROUPS Email Notifications
In one of the Facebook tips I shared right here on this blog, I explained how you can stop receiving Facebook Email Notifications. If you implement the tips in the tutorial, am sure you will still be wondering why you still keep receiving email notifications on activities that happen in FACEBOOK GROUPS that you have…
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Reasons Why You Need To Be Social Media Conscious
Don’t you just love the world ‘Social Media‘? It is a very powerful word that you might have seen or heard in your circles. It has many versions and definitions but am going to give you the short version here. Social Media is used to describe collection of websites, applications or services that help you…
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How To Create New Paragraph or Line Break within a Facebook Comment
You might have noticed that before now, you can easily create a new paragraph or line break within a Facebook comment by mere pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard but this is no longer the case with the new Facebook Timeline. So, what is the solution? Press shift and enter on your keyboard at the same…
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