7 Secret Ingredients To Make You A Successful Blogger


This is a guest post compiled by Adegboye Adeniyi  for OgbongeBlog

Do you want to become a successful blogger?

If the answer is yes, then read on. If your answer is no,  you may wish to still read on if only to convince yourself that becoming a great blogger is much harder than we say and that you are justified in your wanting to quit blogging.

If you count the number of blogs that exists currently, they exceed over 300million according to Wikipedia and almost 61.8 million new posts are published every single day.

This means the amount of competition in any niche is high.

Yet blogging has been known to help brand people and businesses.  When you blog consistently, it can quickly position you as a go-to-expert in your niche.

But the million dollar question remains

How do you become a successful blogger?

While passion is an important ingredient, there are some other spices that you need to help you become a great blogger.

successful blogger

These secret ingredients are:

1. You have to keep working at it

You just can’t give up. Not now and not ever. When you give up, you are giving someone else one less spot to compete for. Successful bloggers have learnt to keep pushing until they achieve their goal. Life would happen. Anything that can go wrong will possibly go wrong but it is only when you are persistent that you can truly be successful.

2. Learn to promote others but promote yourself more

As a buddy blogger, you may think the secret to success is to talk about other people but you are wrong. When starting out, you need to get word out about your blog. This means focusing greatly on promoting your blog because you need to establish yourself as someone to reckon with. Granted you need once in a while to promote others in order to build relationships with them but do not make it an obsession or focus more on it. You are building your own reputation so talk about your stuff more.

3. Do not ignore all other marketing channels 

One grave mistake most bloggers make is not leveraging other marketing channels to grow their blog. Once they push the publish button, they run off to start writing the next post but you cannot grow your blog that way. You need to drive traffic to and through your blog using various other means. Paid advert eg Facebook ads, can quickly give your blog post traction. Social media presence is a necessary evil and SEO is a must.  For SEO, we do not mean all the advanced stuffs like link building etc but the most basic stuffs like including your keyword in your title and naming your images with the alt tag.You can download the Google SEO ebook to master the basics.

4.  Be yourself

You must understand who you are and learn how to turn it into an advantage. What do you know best? Are you better at creating graphics? When and how do you write best? What kind of articles comes easily to you to write about? For examples, blog topics hit me at any time so immediately this happens, the first thing I do is to write down my first draft using my smart phone. When I think I have the skeleton of the post written only then do I transfer it to my desktop to complete. This has worked so well for me that I rarely ever sit down at my desktop to try to write a new post.

5.  Identify your niche

Another grave mistake bloggers make is trying to be everything to everyone. Just because entertainment news is hot cake does not mean you should join the bandwagon. When you do that you can get lost in the crowd. To truly make a name for yourself, you need to identify which niche makes the most sense for you. It could be because of your passion. It could be that you are knowledgeable about the niche but you must pick a particular niche and stay with it.  If you are writing about technology, write technology. If you want to focus on food, focus on it. Don’t be a jack of all trade and master of none.

6.  Start Collecting emails as soon as you can

Okay, these may sound a little advanced but from the very first day you start your blog, start thinking of how you intend to collect emails from your readers. Eventually these emails are going to remain the only medium by which you can build a lasting relationship with your readers. Not everyone will visit your blog every day and yet they would not mind hearing from you. So get into the lead generation game early. For starters, you can add Feedburner email subscription form to your blog.

7. Find a mentor or steal one

 If you are lucky you may find someone to mentor you but that may not be the case especially if you are a newbie. What can you do? Steal one. Identify two bloggers in your niche that are successful then make it a point of duty to study them. Visit their blog every day. Follow them on social media. Understand how to write, what they write about and who their audience is. Then go replicate them only do it better.

To wrap it up the only difference between a successful blogger and the average blogger is the persistence, dedication, amount of time you put into your blog and the ability to keep going when everyone else gives up.

This post was written by Adegboye Adeniyi. He is the Head of Search at VTNS Solutions, a Search Engine Marketing Firm dedicated to helping businesses build a better online presence. You can follow him on twitter @legendcrest

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30 responses to “7 Secret Ingredients To Make You A Successful Blogger”

  1. Lawrence Avatar

    This is nice and well compiled!
    But think we need to let people know that Facebook Ads alone is not enough to get the result
    Was using Facebook $1 dollar daily Ads which helping me getting little results, but when I implemented Google Adwords $1 daily Ads into my blog, the result is already sky rocketing.
    So my best advice for Newbie blogger like me is to always learning from the Pro Blogger and try to Search to add your own methods to what you learned from the PROS 🙂

    Nice job brother

    1. Adegboye Adeniyi Avatar

      Thanks Lawrence.

      Glad you found the article useful.

      With increasing competitions, bloggers must seek to publish great articles and then push out this article to the people who will find it useful

  2. mathew Avatar

    nice write up… I read your post on N1000 facebook advert too.m it nice and genius

  3. Samson Tyleree Avatar
    Samson Tyleree

    Thank you buddy! This is very nice. Blogging is not as easy as of early 2000s. There are millions of blogs online now and it's not an easy task to make money with blog this days. i've been in to blogging for over 3yrs now and this my first time of making 1184 US Dollar = 207,141 Nigeria Naira from O! Network Contexual Ads ever. I nearly ignored them before cuz they operate on Wapka not knowing they could generate me cash. Thanks Jid

  4. Chridera Christian Avatar

    This is a good writeup, the best of it, is when a blogger stick to his/her niche and work hard in it

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  5. Akaahan Terungwa Avatar

    Hi Adegboye,

    Two points ring to me as the greatest: list building (as soon as possible) and identifying – and focusing on a particular niche. These two bits, are the most abused – and misunderstood by newbies.

    Your tips, meticulously followed, will certainly record success! Do ensure to make the day great!


    1. Adegboye Adeniyi Avatar

      Thanks. Yes, they are the most abused but we have a job. And our job as experienced digital marketers or bloggers is to preach this to as many as are willingly to learn.


  6. Rahul Avatar

    Awesome tips. I have two of my own…

    1. Listen to your visitors. This is about your tip about being a good communicator. When your visitors give you advice, as a blogger you should listen. You should also ask questions, and then, listen to the answers.

    2. Keep your blog personal. It’s a lot more fun and interesting to read about personal experience. This makes your blog different and stand out from the crowd.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Thanks for the additions, Rahul. The points are on point..

  7. Beriah NG. Avatar

    Love it! Nice write up…BERIAH NG

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar
  8. Godfirst Chukwuma Avatar

    Nice points made! First time on ogbonge blog!!

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Glad to have you here. I believe you will enjoy yourself browsing through the archives. Have fun bro!

  9. etieno francis Avatar

    Good points. Am still learning.

  10. Charles Emmanuel Avatar

    This is one of the greatest content i have read this week. being a successful blogger is not a one days job. you need to keep writing and publishing pillar and link baited articles. This is one secret every pro blogger uses. keep up the good work

  11. Shawn Avatar

    Nice write-up! Keep it up! http://www.beriahng.com

  12. Oge Avatar

    Nice write Up…I love this!

  13. samson Avatar

    Wonderful post. Like the aspect of getting a mentor. Also one can be a successful blogger by writing good contents. Jide you are right.

  14. nectarmusic19 Avatar

    This is my first time here…I'm a new blogger and i want to learn something new from your page.Probably stealing you as a Mentor.

  15. Izeogu Andrew Avatar

    Very nice one from Mr adegboye.

    I believe hard work truly pays.
    A dedicated blogger always ends up being a successful blogger.
    #My lilttle quote.

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  16. Emeka Nwogbunyama Avatar

    Thanks for the tips… I appreciate your effort to share with us.

  17. Victor Nwankpa Avatar

    Thanks Jisco for this info. It is indeed vital though I have been doing some of things above. I will explore more.

  18. naveed Avatar

    Great tips..Thanks for your good post

  19. AL-Ghazi Web Group Avatar

    Hi. I need facebook share function and share button as my content locker on blogger. I tried everything, but I simple can't put the right code together. Can you please help me? Thanks.

  20. Farhan Ghazi Avatar

    Really, Great tips..Thanks for your good post

    Syed Farhan Ghazi

  21. Farhan Ghazi Avatar

    Really, you are a great blogger.

  22. letstrick.com Avatar

    I must confess, I read every bit of this post and am satisfied with what I read. My goal is to implement every step on my blog. Thanks

  23. Ravi Sah Avatar

    Thanks for sharing tips, going to implement on my blogs 🙂

  24. AdeJasper Avatar

    Nice post bro, I will do as you highlighted.


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