What is CTR, Impression, eCPM in Google Adsense Reports?..Meaning Explained..


The Google Adsense reports contain some Adsense Terminologies you must understand in order to get better understanding of how Google Adsense works. These Terminologies include: CTR, Impression, eCPM.

The AdSense report visible from the Monetize tab ( in Blogger’s dashboard) or when logged in to www.google.com/adsense contains basic information about how many ads have run on your blog, how many clicks were generated, and how much revenue you have earned. Each term in the report is defined below:

  • Page impression: A page impression is generated every time a user views a page displaying Google ads. Google counts one page impression regardless of the number of ads displayed on that page. For example, if you have a page displaying three ad units and it is viewed twice, you will generate two page impressions and six ad unit impressions.
  • Clicks:# The number of times an ad was clicked on in the given reporting period.
  • Page CTR (Clickthrough Rate): The number of ad clicks divided by the number of impressions for the page of ads that appears when a link unit is clicked. For example, if your Ad Units were displayed 50 times and clicked 10 times, the CTR will be 20% (10/50 * 100 ). The higher your CTR, the more Google will suspect you of “invalid clicking“. Some Adsense experts use to say normal CTR should be around 10% or less.
  • Page eCPM (Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions): Essentially, effective CPM represents your estimated earnings for every 1000 impressions that you receive. Effective CPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned – rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page impressions, then multiplying by 1,000. For example, if you earned an estimated $0.15 from 25 page impressions, then your page eCPM would equal ($0.15 / 25) * 1,000, or $6.00. If you earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, your ad eCPM would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1,000 or $4.00.
  •  CPC (Cost Per Click): is the amount of money that you will earn when an ad unit is clicked. CPC values of each Ad Units vary and are determined by many factors, including publisher’s performance and the publisher’s site quality. But in general, the maximum value possible is 20% of the bid value offered by the advertiser dynamic.
  • Earnings: Total revenue earned to date.
  • I hope with this info, you can now understand the more, the data, in your Adsense reports.

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    Do not forget to check out other Adsense tips on this blog.

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    5 responses to “What is CTR, Impression, eCPM in Google Adsense Reports?..Meaning Explained..”

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      Your posts are always helpful. The examples you gave in this post is very straight forward and quite informative. I just applied the formula to what I have in my adsense report and its very correct. Thumbs up man!

    2. African Marketing Tech Avatar

      This is such a great blog, so many Nigerians need this information, but can you please help Nigerian business to understand why they need a website. Alot of business that have owners that are well traveled internationally just don't understand how having a website translates into CASH.

      If they don't have a website how can they benefit from Google Adsense?

      Keep up the great work-we too are trying to educate as many Africans as we can as well.

    3. Jide Ogunsanya Avatar

      thanks for your compliments and suggestion. Will try and work on that.

    4. Enairablog Avatar

      Thanks for this great information… Keep your good work going..

      God Bless you.

    5. Anonymous Avatar

      Hi, thanks for the great info! Please I need your help. I logged into my Adsense account to find out that Google has issued my first payment ever on Adsense since 23rd of this month.

      Please I want to know how long it will take for the check to get to the address I used. I am in Nigeria.

      Is there anything I need to do from my own to ensure the check gets to me?

      Please I need your reply, as this is the first payment I am receiving from Adsense since I joined the programme.

      Thanks, waiting for your reply.


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