How I Save Youtube Videos to My Computer


At, I watch series of videos ranging from music videos to tutorials and I download them to my PC, so I could always watch them offline, anytime I want. Sometimes, I transfer the videos to my iPad, and also convert them to video formats I can easily watch on my Blackberry.

Video highlights of football games, music videos, funny videos etc are just a few categories of videos you can watch at YouTube. At YouTube, you can easily watch any video online but you will never see a download link on the website; hence, the need for a solution which will enable you to save the videos to your computer without wasting time watching them online.

There are many ways of downloading YouTube Videos, but as at the time of writing this article, I use Greasemonkey Userscripts installed into my Firefox and chrome browsers to save videos from to my computer.

How To Get Started

==> If you have Chrome browser on your PC, click here to INSTALL the YouTube Downloader script. Just click “Install”.

==> If you have Firefox browser on your PC, you will have to install Greasemonkey first and enable it before going ahead to install the YouTube Downloader script here.

After installing the YouTube Downloader userscript to your PC, you will start seeing the Download tab below each YouTube video as seen in the picture below:

Click on the tab, choose MP4 or the FLV format and choose the location you want to save the video to on your PC.  Once the downloading completes, you can then go ahead to use your Video applications to play the videos. 

You can download and install K-Lite Codec Pack Player here so you can be using it to watch the videos.

I hope this helps…

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One response to “How I Save Youtube Videos to My Computer”

  1. Johnson Avatar

    Thanks for this great info but what if I want to download videos from other websites apart from


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