Vote Jide Ogunsanya as Best Blogger Of The Year: Social Media Awards 2014


Hi Friend,

This is to inform you that Social Media Awards (Africa) has nominated me in the 2014 Social Media Africa Awards sponsored by Sterling Bank Plc. AIESEC Africa, West African NGO Network (WANGONET), Beat FM, Fan Milk Nigeria, Zisat, Trace TV and African Media Initiative (AMI) .

After rigorous evaluations and background checks in the nomination process which lasted for 27days, I’m honoured to be nominated with nine other bloggers across Africa as the “Blogger Of The Year” in the Personality-based awards category.

The voting window is part of the process leading to the emergence of 15 Finalists for the 4 Categories and 15 Awards for the maiden edition of the Social Media Awards Africa – a premier continental initiative which seeks to recognize and reward creativity, excellence and impact in the usage of social media across Africa.

Voting accounts for only fifty (50) percent of cumulative scores while the Jury evaluation accounts for the other fifty (50) percent based on five (5) criteria; Influence, Originality, Creativity, Scalability and Impact. 15 finalists will be announced and honoured at the award’s event ‘Night of Virtual Wonders’ slated for December 6th, 2014.

Voting is in progress and will end on Friday November 28, 2014.

As at the time of publishing this, I am leading other nominees from Nigeria for the “Blogger of the Year” award but third overall. So, I need your help to get to the top.

How To Vote

Kindly go to :

Right there, you will see my name: Ogunsanya Jide

Enter your email address in the box under my name and click “Vote”

A new window might pop up, requesting you sign in to Facebook. Please, log in and accept all terms to complete the voting process.

Once completed, the “Vote” button will change to “Voted”.

That’s all.

Why Vote For Me?

My blog “Ogbongeblog” has series of free tutorials which have added value to many lives. I believe you will agree with me that there is no way you will read through the posts on the blog and not learn something new and priceless from it. I’ve inspired countless number of people to get involved in the blogging business and I’ve been consistent over the years.

If you’ve ever read any of the blog posts on my blog, the Free Blogger Guide and liked what you saw, please Vote for me.

If you are a member of BloggersLab and you’ve gained a lot from the group, please vote for me.

Remember, you all helped the blog to emerge the “Best Tech Blog in 2011“, “Best Tutorial Blog in 2012” and “Best Online Media in Technology 2013“.

So, I believe with your support and the grace of Almighty God, I can also win this award. 

Please,vote for me now at :

I hope to keep serving you with quality info….

Please, you can use the Like/Recommend/Tweet/Share buttons to share this with your friends too.

Will you vote for me? Have you voted for me? Please, let me hear from you.

Please Share :

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16 responses to “Vote Jide Ogunsanya as Best Blogger Of The Year: Social Media Awards 2014”

  1. KennyJ Avatar

    I've already voted for you Jide. I voted when you posted it on Facebook on Sunday. You should have published it on the blog earlier though… Wish you luck!

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Yes, you're right Kenny. Thanks for your support. God bless you

  2. Eyram Avatar

    Jide, with so many people trying to click on the images on this post, it will be a good opportunity for you to link the images to the url where your blog readers can vote you up. I noticed that your images are not linked to the SMA site where people can vote for you. Tweaking that may get you a few more votes (You know, any vote counts). Just my little cents.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Hi Eyram,

      Thanks alot for the suggestion. I've linked the images to the page. Thanks once again.

  3. Collins Ugwuanyi Avatar

    If not jide,who else could it be then?

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      If not Jide, it could be Ogunsanya Jide ….smiles**

  4. Uche Francis Avatar

    Pls pls Jide, i dont know if this is normal, i tried voting, but wont get past the facebook part. After clicking OKEY it will just hang in there nothing more no redirection whatsoever.

    I wonder where all the Nigerian internet surfers are. Because am really not impressed with the results am seeing there. It will be wise you push this on Nairaland.

    Concerning the problem is that normal? cos Ive tried reloading the page a number of times but my vote is still to reflect.

    Uche Francis

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Hi Francis,

      Pls, if you are using a phone, try doing it on pc. The voting app not that friendly on mobile. One of the reasons why the vote is poor.

      Thanks for your support

    2. Uche Francis Avatar

      Actually tried it on Chrome yesterday not mobile. But now i have finally voted successfully.

  5. kester eke Avatar

    Voted…have done my part for a friend like u…

    Am still putting the link up in my blog.

    1. kester eke Avatar

      Just u take care of us ,upcoming bloggers

    2. Jide Oguns Avatar

      Thanks Kester. I will keep doing that bro. God bless you

  6. Okafor Arinze Avatar

    This is the only means to pay you back for sharing your minds and knowledge with young bloggers like me…
    i have voted for u and if i still can vote, i will vote double.

    1. Jide Oguns Avatar

      I so much appreciate this. Thanks so much brother. God bless you

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Pls post the link again.. I didn't see the button to vote…

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Voted? My Namesake/Mentor… He may not even know… If I don't vote for Jide… Then I'll vote Ogunsanya… Lols… Keep it up bro..!


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